13 September 2009

Hair Dye

I like to dye my hair. I don't dye it unnatural colors or anything, I just dye it brown, red, black, whatever. It looks horrible black and I know it, but that's what I do. So, got a problem with it? I don't. If someone wants to dye their hair lime green, though, it had better be for a good reason. We can't have those freaks walking the streets, polluting our beautiful hair color palette! Sure, paintings look better with lots of colors, but people aren't paint! I don't want someone walking down my street looking like this!

People aren't meant to look like that. Neither are Lemmings. There's nothing wrong with an over-sized shirt every once in a while (I sleep in one, but mine's got short sleeves), but green hair? Really? Someone needs to burn every place that sells those colors. Better yet, someone needs to feed them to the people who buy them. That serve them right.
And I know I've probably offended people, so I'll apologize and pretend I didn't suggest killing people. I won't do it, I swear. Cross my heart and all that jazz.


  1. I like Lemmings... but not 100% about green hair. I think purple looks kinda cool on some girls, though. Green... on anyone, not so much.

    but hey, do what you will.

  2. I won't say I haven't dyed my hair unnatural colors, but I grew out of that. That phase ended years ago for me. I'm still embarrassed about it.
