22 November 2009

All Hail Me!

I have returned from the land of the dead! I return with greater health! I shall slay that flu one me at a time! In other words, I was sick for a while, then too lazy to tell everyone. Now I have nothing to say but to share my illness with everyone. And by Share My Illness, I don't mean that illness. I mean I want to share my opinion on getting sick. Obviously, I don't like it. I'm not a masochist, just a cannibal, got it? I want to say that I much prefer quick illnesses to the flu. Getting sick keeps me away from school and believe it or not, I like going to school. I get to cut things up. For money. Yeah. Anyway, on topic. I didn't get swine flu, at least, and dammit, it's swine flu and H1N1. Just cuz some idiots in Arkansas (not everyone there is an idiot, just a random state. It was most likely in Ohio) thought you could get it from eating pork doesn't mean I'ma call it something else. They called it swine flu, people, not pork flu. It's not Mad Cow Disease. Anyway, now I've got a cold, so I'm all sniffly and cute. Luckily, I know a great way to boost my immune system and he's waiting for me to post this.


  1. Is it me!? I hope it's me. XD

    Er... well um.. get better random female I know over the internet.

  2. Umm...no, not you. I don't know you well enough ;p nice try, though. And I'm feeling much better today. I was kept very warm last night!

  3. This reminds me of an earlier conversation on here. Do you really want to go on that road again?

  4. Natural flirt, sorry... I'll stop.

    Still good to see/hear you are doing well.

  5. So am I or we wouldn't have these conversations, would we? Fortunately, or unfortunately, for me, I have someone looking over my shoulder who cares for me and doesn't want me doing naughty-type stuff with other people, especially if he knows it's never going to happen cuz he doesn't want me torturing myself. -thinks for a second- He's probably going to read this. Oh well. He'll just have to -ahem- celebrate that I'm not ;p

  6. Torturing yourself? O.o

    ANYWAY... I've got my girl too.. but flirting is fun and I'm good at being subtly not subtle.

    I shall keep myself in check from here on out. Nothing is set in stone, but I shall try.

  7. He says that flirting with people I wouldn't consider is a waste of time, and therefore torturing myself. And I agree completely that flirting is fun, but people can easily take it the wrong way. No need to hold yourself back, but I'm the one with someone over my shoulder / on my neck. Right now. I could probably say anything right now without him noticing. -flirtflirtflirt- Success! He didn't notice!

  8. You wouldn't "consider". BURN! X| XD That's just... kinda mean. :p

    And boy can people take stuff the wrong way! O.O I'm always adding "You know I'm only playing, right?" SO OFTEN do I need that to be made clear.

    Poor guy, I'd feel bad for him if I didn't think he was Jieki... or however he spells it. XD

  9. You know I didn't mean it in a bad way.

    And no, not Jikei. He knows I'd never consider him, either. We only agree on cannibalism and girly stuff anyway.

  10. "Cute? That's what every man want's to hear." It's great to know I'm a girly cannibal.

  11. Sucks to be Jikei then... Also: My girlfriend and most females think I'm cute. It's not bad once you learn how to optimize on it. Make your intentions clear and you can be as cute as you want and STILL have said intentions filled. ;)

    And, yes, I know it wasn't bad. However, it was funny to take out of context. Somehow, I still don't feel bad, either. O.o

  12. And...I'm not sure if either of you got the reference...it's from Dragon Age when you tell Alistair it's cute that he's a virgin...so it's out of context, but still works...

    And I didn't mean to sound offended if I did.
